The Seven Seas of Cheese!
Ahem... as I was saying. Tonight, I'm counting down my seven favorite types of cheese in no particular order. It couldn't be any simpler than that. Let's cut right to the heart of the matter, shall we?
- Mozzarella - You can't go wrong with this choice. Mozzarella is so easily applicable to a wide range of dishes. While not only tasty, it's also one of the healthiest varieties of cheese produced. If you're looking to cut some calories in your diet, this is the cheese you want!
- Muenster - In terms of sheer flavor, Muenster is hands down my favorite. It packs a plethora of punch - it's sweet, salty and a little bit tangy. It's not exactly diet-friendly, so eat it in moderation. Annatto is the spice that gives it such a unique and easily distinguishable flavor. If you need a cheese that melts easily, Muenster is perfect.
- Havarti - This cheese originates from Denmark. It encompasses a buttery and salty flavor, making it great for crackers or hamburgers. Again, this is not a type of cheese that you should eat a lot of, so go easy.
- Edam - What's amazing about Edam isn't necessarily the flavor, though it's still perfectly edible and flavorful. Edam shines because of its tendency to not spoil. As it ages, Edam merely hardens and develops a sharper flavor. It was the world's most popular type of cheese from the 1300's on through the 1700's; Edam was suited perfectly for long distance travel on ships. This cheese has a comparatively low fat content, making it a healthy choice among other varieties.
- Cottage Cheese - Yep, this is an actual cheese and not just a play on words. It's like a prototype for standard cheese; the curds are not packed and a bit of whey remains. No aging is involved in the creation of Cottage Cheese. I like how versatile it is, though my favorite way to eat it is with some fresh fruit -- pineapple and cherries, preferably.
- Monterey Jack - This lovable cheese originated with Mexican friars in California during the 1700's, long before it earned its name. Leave it to a Scotsman to make it famous, though. During the California gold rush of 1849, a wily immigrant from Scotland named David Jack emigrated to America. He made a fortune selling it to miners and other Californians in the Monterey area, hence where it got its name. The rest, as they say, is history. The flavor kicks you in the tongue and is absolutely delightful.
- Red Windsor - I've only been lucky enough to try this type of cheese twice in my life, but boy is it worth it. It has a very similar consistency to American Cheddar, but with an added twist. The cheese is surprisingly marbled with a Bordeaux or other red wine, giving it a strange internal pink glow. The flavor is what you'd expect -- cheese and wine rolled into one. Though, it's more mellow than your tongue might anticipate.
Avast, we passed through the Seven Seas of Cheese to calmer shores! Did ye see those harpies callin' out on the rocks?! How about those whales -- they be all yellow! ARGH!
Cottage cheese isn't yellow. If it is, take it back.