Thursday, April 9, 2015

An Open Letter to Lunenburg County, Virginia.

My blog this evening will be a deviation in tone from the standard articles I normally publish. Those of you who have read my blog since the beginning will recognize the ire I'm about to share. For my newer readers... buckle up.

Broad Street, Kenbridge, VA -- A road to nowhere

To the Residents of Lunenburg County,

I had an in-depth discussion with my ever-so charming sister yesterday. She informed me of a particularly troubling situation, one that many of my readers in Southside Virginia will understand the context of. Apparently, there's an issue with the local community of which my siblings and I grew up -- Lunenburg County. I feel the need to clear the air. There is a terribly inaccurate narrative of what tore the Manning family apart -- one that's been largely fabricated by my father.

Our family imploded after a series of events following the death of our mother, Joyce. It was a long time coming, but her passing was the final nail in the coffin. After years of strife, physical and emotional abuse, it all finally came to a head. A few months following Joyce's passing, my sister and father were in a heated argument in which he physically assaulted her. I know this for a fact because I spoke with my father afterwards via telephone and he admitted as much to me. This was not the first time my father has physically harmed one of his family members (myself, my sister, my mother, etc.) -- long time readers of this blog are well aware of this fact. My sister ran away in fear for her life, only to be largely ignored by social services and the police within the community. Why? Because my father has keenly developed a cult of personality, one in which he is never wrong and always the hero of the story. Since that time, there has been no relationship maintained between my father and sister, nor has there been a relationship between him and I.

The aforementioned phone call, where he admitted fault, took place on December 27, 2011. It was approximately 10 PM in the evening. That was the last time my father and I spoke. We've had no contact since that point. During that phone call, my father talked of setting his children on fire if he wished -- they were his property to do with as he pleased. He clearly did not like the harsh judgment I levied against him, considering by the end of the conversation he hung up on me. How ironic... he hung up on me in our final telephone call; I hung up on his entire existence for the rest of my life. As far as I am concerned, he's just as dead to me as my mother. I spent nearly two years expunging my anger and grief over our relationship right here on this very blog. I'm not angry at him anymore -- I'm just disappointed at how ghastly a person he is, considering his inherent potential. There was a good man inside my father at one point; that man is now gone.

This entire story relates to the experiences my sister faced when she recently returned to the Lunenburg County area for a visit with a dear friend (you know who you are -- thank you for always being there for Julie). She encountered multiple instances of public scrutiny and rude comments from strangers whom believe they know our father. Apparently, the previously mentioned false narrative has floated around that my sister betrayed our family; that she spread lies about our father beating on her. This is just not true. Everything she has stated about her experiences is accurate. The Manning Family exists as a fractured mirror -- one that reflects the deep seeded agony of a family burdened by poverty, poor parental choices, jealousy, infidelity, avarice and a cycle of abuse that goes as far back as the Mannings have been in this nation. My friends, I come from a family of turmoil. The name that I carry is one I'm not necessarily proud of, but I aim to make it as decent as possible in my time. There will be no more Mannings to carry on this name, though. We are done. I'll burden no child with the sorrowful weight that this family has to offer. Out of all the vast Manning family children, grandchildren and cousins, myself and my two brothers are the last in line to actually bear the surname. I have no children. My brothers have no children. The nefarious blood of our family tree, which at one point was quite wide with many branches, will die with our generation. An entire family name shall be wiped out... and no one will shed as much as a tear.

Now, I speak to you, the well established families of the Kenbridge, Victoria and various other Lunenburg communities. You are well aware of who you are -- the family names that have circulated in Southside Virginia for an eternity; the Lunenburg Royalty, for lack of a better term. You consider yourselves to be the elite of the community -- the same ones whom cast glances of contempt at my sister, whom allow my father to continue his fantasy. Yet, here I am to tell you what few others will -- you are hollow, inept clumps of snobbish detritus. Just as I faced ridicule and scrutiny by your kind as I was growing up, you now turn an undeservedly judgmental eye upon my sister.

No -- you shall not do this without consequence. You will be publicly castigated.

You serve no other purpose than to continue the cycle of drama in your little fish bowl called Lunenburg. Never have I been so abashed of a community of people. And to think, many of you wonder why I left the area as soon as I possibly could. I despise most of you -- many of whom I attended Lunenburg County Public Schools with. Look at what you have become... pathetic excuses for human beings who couldn't handle the outside world. Many of you returned to Lunenburg after college. Why? What was the point of seeking a higher education, only to return home and not use it? Did you like being a big fish in a small pond? Did you like the comfort of an illusionary life? Or, did you just lie to yourself and say it was for the best? In the end, it doesn't matter. Instead of writing your own story, you've chosen to continue the stage play acted out by your parents, your grand-parents, and so on. You're all calamitous fools who couldn't see past the end of your own dirt roads and driveways. I'd pity you if I didn't think you were such deplorable scum.

I am deeply, deeply ashamed of what you, the Lunenburg County populace, represents.

Lunenburg -- You're a small town atmosphere filled with narcissistic ants, swarming over every little piece of gossip you can. You're the type of folks that hang out at Lunenburg Country Club and think you're powerful titans of industry. You eat at Mildred's Meals and believe your derriere has the scent of roses. You yearn over Timmy Dogs and the K-V Dispatch. You take skiing trips with your hunting club. You watch Charger football and kissed the rump of a certain bloated, clique-friendly coach. You go to your houses of worship on Sunday and stab your friends in the back on Monday. You form self-serving networks within the local fire, rescue and police departments for your own benefit.

You are everything that disgusts me about small town life.

Of note, there are some wonderful, compassionate people in Lunenburg County who have always been kind to me and my family. Just to name two that immediately stand out in my mind -- Jean Kunath (who always encouraged me to be artistic and treated me like an adult) and the departed Roberta Rickers (who inspired me at a very early age to treasure books and writing). I haven't forgotten what they did for me. I am very thankful. Without their influence on my creativity, I probably wouldn't write this blog day in and day out.

I've stated my peace. If the entirety of Lunenburg County was obliterated by a meteorite tomorrow, I'd breathe a sigh of relief. Good riddance.

You're not my home town, nor will you ever be.

Jared Manning


  1. Bravo Jared. Blessed will b those who speak the truth. For those who live in their our fabricated fantasies of self worth, u can not reach. Small town ppl often bring forth small town minds. A trait as old as time itself. Good luck to u n your family.

    1. Thank you Danielle. You're exactly right -- the truth is all there is. I appreciate you taking the time to read my article. I hope you continue to read my work in the future.

  2. I applaud you for going your own way I come from a small lived here for over my life ive known your father for most of it we all have skeletons in our closet I couldn't care less what people think blood is red

  3. I too applaud you. I can't speak on your family issues and wouldn't be my place to. I'm not part of the upper ELITE of Lunenburg. The moment you spoke of that you were 100% correct and something most here feel and have felt our entire lives.

    1. I may not know your name, but we must have experienced the same Lunenburg. Thank you for reading my article. Please come back in any time.

  4. These are strong accusations to make towards an entire county of people, especially the meteor part. The "small town minds" exist in big towns also. You may choose to move to a bigger pond, but you will find out the fish are also bigger with a bigger bite. What you and your family have gone through is not right, and people should not judge what they do not know. Yet it works both ways, you should not condemn the entire county based on the actions of a few. Many people fit in the categories you have listed above but do not know you, your family, the situation and have not participated in the above actions.

    1. You're correct -- a bigger pond means bigger fish. Yet, at least I can say I didn't settle for an easy life. I made the decision to do better for myself. No one can take that from me.

  5. come on Lunenburg has been covering up for decades. Anything from a certain mayor staying drunk all the time to police getting teenage girls pregnant to others asking for sexual favors to even others stealing drugs ...... and the list goes on and on ... not to mention the where several had to resign no to name names but she used to do the county taxes fled never served a day and was given no time. There could be 6 Godfather movies made about corruption coverups in Lunenburg

    1. There's so much truth in this. Lunenburg is full of corruption and dirty dealings.

  6. Everyone Every Town has skeletons. Im gonna take a front seat ticket to this show, I need a good laugh... Only in Looneyburg...... Welcome to the Family....phahahaha

  7. The Elite will always protect themselves ... If you can't correct it in a county as small as Lunenburg the hopes of correcting it on a national level dont exist

    1. I always hold out hope. Someone has to try.

    2. who is your dad? We just moved here in 2012 - regret alert - and I've met only one Manning. His wife passed away - she is buried in the Kenbridge cemetery. Same person by chance? We generally keep to ourselves. We have one neighbor who has pretty much ruined our attitude about this place. Maybe the meteor will just hit his house.

    3. oh damn! that guy is a sheriff? he is the cousin of the one neighbor i mentioned. it must run in the family! well - you just keeping on mving on...put that crap behind you and drop that baggage. i totally get it. i hope you lead a productive, healthy life - in mind, body and spirit!

  8. That was hands down the stupidest thing I have ever, and will ever read. The only reason I'm commenting is because I've already wasted my life reading it, so I have nothing to loose. You are a small minded, selfish, border line mentally unstable waste of space. Lunenburg disgusts you? You disgust me; to the point that I feel shame that people like you blog. I've lived here for years and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I've had the pleasure to know many wonderful people in this community and grow into the man I am today. I was born and lived my early years in a city. It was filled with hate, crime, prejudices, crowds and crowds of people. That environment had problems, way more than here. I'm not saying that Lunenburg is perfect, nowhere is perfect. I am saying that it is one of the best places to grow and raise a family. Most of my graduating class, including myself, went on to college; many to prestigious institutions. I'm a success, way more than you are. Many people in Lunenburg are successes. We are proud, and yes we love small town, rural living. The fact that you, a blogger for God sake, can call us failures is a joke. The fact that you would insult an entire community of people is ludicrous. I love Lunenburg, I am a damn smart person, I love the country, and this is always going to be my home town. I hope you never come back to Lunenburg because you do not deserve to be here. In fact, you don't deserve to be anywhere. All you would do is cast a shadow on all the successful, hard working people that live here.

    1. You're completely entitled to your opinion and you have every right to share it. The fact that you feel the need to personally insult me is perfectly acceptable -- I can take it. Yet, if you feel so strongly about your community and about how much of a success the county (and yourself) is, then why do hide behind anonymity?

    2. ^^^^^^ county employee

    3. Had to have been ..... They are the only people proud of Lunenburg

    4. Anyone that has to try and boast on being successful, is just attempting to convince themself.

    5. Of course a Lunenburg County employee wouldn't understand punctuation.

    6. I love Lunenburg and always will! I have lived all over and it is home. Most will reply anomously due to fear of your mental instability I think.

  9. You nailed it on the head. Keep this going the more you blog the more truth comes out about this county and their so called "perfect" families. No matter how gruesome the crime they sweep it under the rug as if there was actually reasoning behind their actions. I'm happy for you that you got out and never have to look back... my battle continues with another one of the ELITE familys, which your father has helped them against me even tho the crime that was committed. So once again BRAVO on your post and keep it going!!!!!!

  10. I think you are going to get alot of Anonymous post on here .... because anyone that agrees with you and still lives here they will come down on like a fist of god

    1. You are right on that. Alot of people have been waiting for the truth to come out but won't say it themselves because of the reprocussions that they will face with the community.

    2. Not just the people that live there. But if you have family still there they would go after the family for retribution

  11. i posted with my name. Power in numbers, freedom of speech and I practice my 2nd amendment rights bring it! I think this could be a purposeful post as long as it is kept factual and the opinions are those of one self.

    1. Luneburg has always been guilty unless you can afford to prove innocence . All they have to do is make up a crime. If you can't afford a CITY Lawyer with no ties to Lunenburg you are screwed

  12. Here is my post with my name because i have seen how crooked this county is first hand. Still every day fighting to set things how it is suppose to be. The laws for the state do not fit into this county. They have their own law called MONEY. Money can convince the court to take children from a safe home just to put them into a DANGER ZONE. It happens to everyone.... the people with money, the people without money, and the ones that the family has decided that they dont fit into their picture of perfection. So the best advice for anyone who has witnessed the crookedness of this county keep your head up keep the post going. The more people that know and speak out is the best way to get a resolution.

  13. I don't live there but my daughter married into the David Austin family and you was talking about this family all the way. They think that they are God and nothing can stop them.

  14. I am still waiting to hear about the corruption. As far as I know there isn't much money out here and networking to get the results desired is normal everywhere. It is just the way things are done. Granted, I am sure things have happened that may not be ethically sound or legally questionable, but the argument that the entire county is corrupt will never grow any legs unless supported by some facts. Sometimes though perception gets in the way of fact. Maybe this is the case? So......

  15. Oh I'll name the corruption I have seen .... not in a particular order but off the top of my head.
    Kenbridge town cop gets high school girl prego ( while cheating on his wife ...) spept under the rug ....
    Later same said said cop goes on to steal cocaine from the evidence vault ... also swept under the rug but did lose his job.
    Another Kenbridge town cop used to pull over females ( bother over and under age ) and in exchange for not handing out a dui he traded for sexual favors
    Later same said officer got a high school girl prego ... and left this town ...However went on to be fired from 3 other south side Virginia police officer jobs for same same as well as 2 of them for stalking police dispatchers .... When Lunenburg could have killed it years before that
    Then there was the Kenbridge cop that became a deputy ....Got caught stealing ... Kenbridge tried to force the police chief to rehire him as a town cop .... Chief retired over .... Thats why the Chief in Kenbridge is barely out of diapers ....
    Then you have the fact that police went years without life insurance .... supposedly spent years of being put in a desk and forgotten ... lady moved away swept under the rug never charged
    Then you have the lady that did the county taxes that got caught stealing ... ran to Georgia ... under the table plea deal no money paid back to the residents no charges or jail time

    That's just off the top of my head

    1. and could get into the Millions on Millions both Victoria and Kenbridge booth duped out of tax payers for their parks
      Both owned the land and got donated shit ... so between the two what about 20 million to cut the grass?
      Then I could add the park built up there by the Court House .... But then again they fucked him years ago and he painted the Charlie the Tuna on the building beside the bank in Victoria and put up the storage buildings ...... ohhhh so he spent all that money and they will never allow him to open it

      This list is endless

    2. Actually If you let me think about it I can name illegal and corrupt crap that has happened since the 70s ...... That's just off the top of my head.

      I applaud this young man for speaking up

    3. and yes I made some typos .... but I don't see an option to edit . So whatever caught it before the spell check scholars

  16. Just look at who runs your county .... Head man's wife is the ex wife of the man that faked his death which gave her an huge insurance pay out ..... You can google that

    1. I suggest re-reading the google ads. Ex-wife got nothing. That's not an opinion. That's a fact. You don't need google. It's public record at the local courthouse, as well as the federal courthouse, where the US Federal Marshals work. Or ask the man that attempted his death. He is out of prison and lives in the town of Victoria after being in a coma due to an attempted suicide 2 months ago. Or ask his ex. You obviously feel you are acquainted well enough with her life to speak to her yourself and ask. Easy to find her via Facebook. And the "head man" you "think" you are referring to is actually a retired ABC employee, whose wife has never had an ex-husband. Perfect example of how someone takes a small glimmer of information and totally shapes it into something completely different and a lie. Some like lies. Makes life more interesting if they fabricate what they know nothing about. Kind of like what the young man that created this blog is trying to say. People make up shit, instead of educating themselves on what's true and what's not. People's lives get ruined because of people like this one who posted above. Stick with what you know or don't speak. That rule alone will cause you to go much farther in life. Right now, you are on a road of lies. Detour off before you get too consumed. (Sorry Jared to take away from your blog. Not sure how your blog became about people who have nothing to do with your situation. Best of Luck to you and your sweet sister.)


    3. Sandra H. Hoover (formerly Sandra H. Long)April 14, 2015 at 9:44 PM

      I am pretty certain this comment exchange is about me, personally. I'm not sure what "google" you use. I use the nationally recognized site and find many articles that explain the fraud case of my former spouse, in which I am mentioned. Please educate yourself on the case specifically and step down from the box which has made you look ignorant. My current husband is not the "head of the county". Again ignorance. But a big THANK YOU goes out to the anonymous person that tried to defend me. I find that with every situation, there are people that know what happened, those that don't, and those that simply don't care. It amazes me who joins which category. Feel free to contact me directly for credible sources that can assist you in your research of my life. I do admit that I, and my life, are interesting, especially to those that don't have one of their own.

    4. Right on Sandra Hoover! I am new out here and am already ready to move because of all the gossip and tall tales I've heard. I am glad u defended yourself!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Alright. I am not going to tear down this article and can't say if any of it was false or anything (I wasn't there so I can't say). My thing is though some of the content later in the post seems a bit exaggerated or sensationalized with the "Setting kids on fire" thing and the sister being ostracized by coming back to the town. I'm no pillar of the community here, hell I've been here all my life but haven socialized with local people I grew up with due to the whole "elite" system as you said (which is true).

    Generally here people just don't give a sh*t about who you are and even if they think they recognize you they wouldn't have the balls to talk down to you or your sister based on a hunch.

    Not trying to insult you or tear down your blog. I was around when the Reynolds case happened which I won't go into (we already know) and that shook me bad because I knew him a lot better then your dad. So, I don't doubt your account of the abuse while you were here but the ostracized part of coming back and the meteorite seemed a little extreme. All small towns and really anywhere you go is going to be a sh*thole because no matter what community you go to there are always going to be as*holes!

  18. let me ask then. Why hasn't anyone gone outside of this "tight little community" to report such abuses? Call Wavy 10 - or whatever it is and report. Of course you have to have evidence too - just saying something happened is not good enough. I can say stuff all day but in the end, no evidence, no conviction. Just like murder cases - no evidence - no conviction. I did hear about a rogue cop in the past but nothing about our current ones. They seem pretty legit to me. Nothing like out of Atlanta mind you but legit.

  19. Some people such as myself have been reporting to richmond and state police for years with adequate evidence to prove the wrong doings. As long as the money goes from hand to hand certain people will always have the upper hand of being informed of what is happening so they can all get their stories straight. The money part you won't see until you look a little closer at the people you think you know and what is really going on.

    1. Things get investigated until money starts flashing.

    2. The real truth, Jared, is that there is a "brain drain" in Lunenburg County. Thanks for your blog.

  20. This blog is getting more attention than you think ...... Alot of people sweating on it. Even asking if it can be taken down .......
    About time .... more comments the more attention it gets

  21. I am sorry for what happened to you and your family, but Lunenburg is just like every other town, big or small. There are good people and bad people no matter where you go. To bash the community as a whole, and establishments like Mildred's and Timmy's is not fair and takes away from your story. To insinuate that it is a bad thing that the community watches Charger Football every Friday night? How is a community coming together to support their school and their young athletes a bad thing? In fact, I think Friday nights at Charger Field one can see a community that is much different than you reference in this article. Fans of all ages and from all kinds of different backgrounds coming together to support the school and the players, ALL of the players, no matter where they came from, who their family is, what color they are, etc.

  22. "Can't we all just get along?"

  23. I would think as corruption goes that many many millions have gone into the Commerce Parks either in Kenbridge or Lunenburg.I imagine a ton has gone into restoration projects on the Nottoway River ,Lunenburg Lake. Hows everybody's Broadband after millions of dollars from Tobacco Commision TIF and Supervisors and Politicos. Great to have Fiber 2 blocks away but 3000 a little steep to get it in your House. CRONY CRAPITALISM courtesy of your Delegate and Seantors in Richmond and The Swamp

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